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Starter application templates is the easiest way to start with Aufy. It provides a ready to use application with Aufy library and client application.

Starter template structure

Each starter template application consists of a .NET solution (WebApp.[Starter Type].sln) with the following projects:

  • Backend Web API project with Aufy library (WebApi.[Starter Type])
  • Frontend client application (Client.[Starter Type])

Each starter template shares the same Web API codebase, but have separate projects. The client application is different for each starter template.

WebApi project

Each WebApi project has the following features:

  • Aufy.EntityFrameworkCore integration with pre-configured Sqlite database
  • Aufy.FluntEmail integration with pre-configured email templates.
    • In Development environment, emails are saved to the file system
  • Serilog logging with pre-configured console and file sinks
  • OpenAPI/Swagger
  • Discord and GitHub social logins pre-configured

Client project

Each Client project implements the JWT Bearer token authentication flow with short-lived access tokens stored in Local Storage and long-lived refresh tokens stored in HttpOnly cookies.

Features of starter templates:

  • Email and password sign-up
  • Email and password sign-in
  • Email verification
  • Email verification resend
  • Password reset
  • Password change
  • Social logins (Discord and GitHub)
  • Refresh token flow
  • My account page
  • Sign out

Custom Sign up flow

Starters have ready to use example of custom sign up flow that allows to send additional data with sign up request.

To enable custom sign up flow for WebApi project, you need to:

  • Find ServicesExtensions.cs file in WebApi project
  • Find SetupAufy function which configures Aufy services.
  • Add execution of .UseAufyCustomSignup() method to the existing chain of methods.
.UseAufyCustomSignup(); // Add this line

There should be already a commented out example of custom sign up flow in ServicesExtensions.cs file.