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JWT Bearer Authentication

Aufy uses JWT bearer tokens for authentication. Aufy reads bearer token from Authorization header in the following format:

Authorization: Bearer <token

Refresh tokens can work in two ways:

  • Refresh token is sent in a cookie with HttpOnly flag set to true. (/signin endpoints)
  • Refresh token is sent in a response body - for cookieless environments. (/token endpoints)

JWT Token Configuration


Add JwtBearer subsection to Aufy configuration section in your appsettings file.

"Aufy": {
"JwtBearer": {
"SigningKey": "super secret key",
"Issuer": "MY_ISSUER",
"Audience": "MY_AUDIENCE",
"AccessTokenExpiresInMinutes": 5,
"RefreshTokenExpiresInHours": 48

Default value for AccessTokenExpiresInMinutes is 5 and for RefreshTokenExpiresInHours is 48.

Refresh token

  • Refresh token is a special token that can be used to obtain a new access token.
  • Refresh tokens are stored in database.
  • Refresh tokens are returned from API opaqued in JWT token. That token is used to obtain a new access token.
  • Refresh tokens are valid for 48 hours by default.
  • Refresh tokens are invalidated when user changes password or signs out.
  • New refresh token is generated every time user signs in and refresh token is used to obtain a new access token.