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Aufy is a simple open-source .NET library for user authentication built on top of ASP.NET Core Identity. It provides a set of Web API endpoints, helpers, and sample client applications.


  • Ready to use API endpoints
  • JWT bearer authentication with refresh tokens
  • Social logins. Discord and GitHub configured in the templates
  • Email/password authentication
  • Email confirmation with resend of the confirmation email
  • Password change and reset
  • Sample Client applications
    • React
  • Email sending abstraction for Email confirmation and password reset
  • FluentEmail integration
    • Ready to use templates with customization options
  • Sign Up endpoints customization
    • Custom sign up request model
  • OpenAPI/Swagger support with customization options

Roadmap to v1.0

  • Stabilize the library and API
  • Add one more client implementation (Vue, Angular, Blazor, etc.)
  • Two-factor authentication with Authenticator app
  • Improve documentation